Pipeline flow

1. Prepare miRNAs for pipeline

Prepare miRNA fasta file for MIRZA i.e. for each miRNA sequence check if it is 21 nucleotide long and if not eliminate it. It also replaces all u or U into T. In the same time it splits miRNAs into separate files.

usage: rg_prepare_mirnas_for_mirza_and_split [-h] [-v] --input INPUT
                                             [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
-v=False, --verbose=False
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--input Input miRNA file in fasta format.
 Directory for split files, defaults to Output

2. Chunk UTRs

Take UTRs and generate fragments by sliding window that can be fed into MIRZA

usage: rg_generate_utr_chunks [-h] [-v] [--input INPUT] --output-dir
                              OUTPUT_DIR [--part-size PART_SIZE]
                              [--window-size WINDOW_SIZE]
                              [--slide-size SLIDE_SIZE]
-v=False, --verbose=False
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--input=<open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x7fbdaf2b40c0>
 Input file in fasta format. Defaults to sys.stdin.
--output-dir Output directory for split files
 Number of sequences per part, defaults to 40000
 Length of the window for MIRZA, defaults to 50
 Size of the window slide, defaults to 20

3. Generate miRNA expressions

Generate expressions of miRNAs. This file is required by MIRZA and is composed just from the miRNA ID and its expression. Here we set up expression for each miRNA to 1.

There is no special script dedicated to this function. It is just the bash command:

cat input | ruby -ne 'puts "#{$_.rstrip()[1..-1]}\t1" if $_.start_with?(">")' > output

4a. Run MIRZA analysis

If the option “scan” as a miRNA target search is chosen putative targets are selected based on MIRZA interaction energy. Thus, this is the part of the pipeline scans the 3’UTRs with MIRZA to find it.

This script generates the jobs of the pipeline that will do the analysis on the split files.

usage: run_mirza_scan [-h] [-v] --config CONFIG --group-id GROUP_ID
                      --input-dir INPUT_DIR --working-dir WORKING_DIR
-v=False, --verbose=False
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--config Config file
--group-id Group Id
--input-dir Input and output directory
--working-dir Working directory of the pipeline. Required because this file is launched from ~

I. Calculate coordinates with MIRZA

Here the MIRZA algorithm is used to calculate the energy between miRNA and the 3’UTR fragments generated before. MIRZA is launched from the command:

MIRZA expressions.tab mrnas.fa mirnas.fa 50 noupdate

And the result is piped to the analysis script:

Take MIRZA output and arrange it in proper way

usage: rg_extract_data_from_mirza_output [-h] [-v] [--output OUTPUT] --seqs
                                         SEQS --threshold THRESHOLD
                                         [--context CONTEXT]
-v=False, --verbose=False
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--output Output file in Tab format.
--seqs UTR sequences in fasta format
--threshold Threshold for the score
--context=50 Context for sequence to print, defaults to 50

II. Merge and filter results

The results are merged with bash command and duplicate results resulting from eg. overlapping 3’UTR fragments or transcripts from the same gene.

Filter duplicates in coordinates by id, miRNA and sequence

usage: rg_filter_duplicates_from_scan [-h] [-v] --coords COORDS --split-by
                                      SPLIT_BY --index-after-split
                                      INDEX_AFTER_SPLIT --output OUTPUT
-v=False, --verbose=False
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--coords Coordinates
--split-by Split id by the string
 After split take this column as new id, 0 based
--output Output name

4b. Run seed scan

This part is launched if the “seed” options is chosen when starting the pipeline. The putative miRNA targets are found by simple seed match.

Count miRNA seed in the provided sequences according to chosen definition

usage: rg_count_miRNA_seeds_and_filter_duplicates [-h] [-v] [--motifs MOTIFS]
                                                  [--seqs SEQS]
                                                  [--how {ElMMo,TargetScan,6-mer}]
                                                  [--output OUTPUT]
                                                  [--context CONTEXT]
                                                  --split-by SPLIT_BY
-v=False, --verbose=False
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--motifs miRNA/siRNA sequences to use when scanning
--seqs Sequences for scaning eg. 3’ UTRs

What definition for seed to use

Possible choices: ElMMo, TargetScan, 6-mer

 Name of the output file , defaults to coords.tab
--context=50 Context for sequence to print, defaults to 50
--split-by Split id by the string
 After split take this column as new id, 0 based

5. Run features analysis

This is the main part of the pipeline where all the features are calculated.

I. Calculate MIRZA

Calculate MIRZA interaction energy and MIRZA-based Branch Length Score (conservation) for the provided coordinates of putative targets.

usage: rg_calculate_MIRZA [-h] [-v] [--onlyMIRZA {yes,no}] [--seq SEQ]
                          [--out OUT] [--coords COORDS] [--motifs MOTIFS]
                          [--tree TREE] [--mln-dir MLN_DIR] [--threshold THR]
                          [--contextLen CONTEXTLEN] [--mirzabin MIRZABIN]
                          [--reforg REFORG]
-v=False, --verbose=False
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Calculate only MIRZA score for given coordinates

Possible choices: yes, no

--seq=seqs.fa Fasta with mRNA sequences
--out=output.tab, -o=output.tab
 Output table
 File with target sites positions, miRNA and target gene ID
--motifs= Fasta file with miRNA sequences
--tree= Phylogenetic tree of the species used in alignment file
--mln-dir= Directory with multiple alignment files
 Threshold for MIRZA score
 Length of the context sequence serounding binding site
--mirzabin= Path to the MIRZA binary
--reforg=hg19 Reference organism to which alignments are performed: default: hg19

II. Calculate accessibility with CONTRAfold

A CONTRAfold algorithm is used to calculate accessibility of target site for miRNA.

usage: rg_calculate_contrafold [-h] [-v] [--seq SEQ] [--out OUT]
                               [--coords COORDS] [--contextLen_L CONTEXTLEN_L]
                               [--contextLen_U CONTEXTLEN_U]
                               [--context CONTEXT] [--contrabin CONTRABIN]
-v=False, --verbose=False
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--seq=seqs.fa Fasta file with mRNA sequences , defaults to seqs.fa
 output file, defaults to output.tab.gz
 file with target sites positions, miRNA and target gene ID
 length of the context sequence downstream binding site to be unwinded
 length of the context sequence upstream binding site to be unwinded
--context=50 length of the context of the seed to be checked
 Path to CONTRAfold binary

III. Calculate flanks composition

Calculate flanks composition using provided coordinates.

usage: rg_calculate_flanks_composition [-h] [-v] [--seq SEQ] [--out OUT]
                                       [--coords COORDS]
                                       [--contextLen CONTEXTLEN]
-v=False, --verbose=False
 Be loud!
--seq=seqs.fa fasta with mRNA sequences
 output table
 file with target sites positions, miRNA and target gene ID
 length of the context sequence serounding binding site

IV. Calculate distance to the boundary

Calculate distance to the boundary based on provided coordinates for targets.

usage: rg_calculate_distance [-h] [-v] [--seq SEQ] [--out OUT]
                             [--coords COORDS] [--contextLen CONTEXTLEN]
-v=False, --verbose=False
 Be loud!
--seq=seqs.fa fasta with mRNA sequences
--out=output.tab, -o=output.tab
 output table
 file with target sites positions, miRNA and target gene ID
 length of the context sequence serounding binding site

6. Merge and add probabilities

Merge all results into one features table

usage: rg_merge_results_add_probability_and_calculate_per_gene_score
       [-h] [-v] [--inputs INPUTS] [--coords COORDS] [--model-bls MODEL_BLS]
       [--model-nobls MODEL_NOBLS] [--output OUTPUT] [--only-mirza {yes,no}]
       [--threshold THRESHOLD] [--split-by SPLIT_BY] [--column COLUMN]
       [--name NAME]
-v=False, --verbose=False
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--inputs Coma-separated list of input paths
--coords Cooridinate file used in the beginning
--model-bls Path to model with branch length score
--model-nobls Path to model without branch length score
--output Output file name

Calculate only MIRZA and DON’T calculate MIRZA BLS

Possible choices: yes, no

 Threshold for summing, defaults to 0.12
 If the header of fasta has multiple annotations eg. transcript_id|entrez_id|wikiname split it and take only one, defaults to NONE
--column=0 0 based column number to take after splitting, defaults to 0
--name=GeneID Name of the id eg. gene, transcript etc , defaults to GeneID

7. Collect results

In the end all the results are collected with bash command:

zcat output_dir/\*.score > cwd/mirza_g_results_protocol.tab